I manage your finances to simplify your life! I believe in being patient and non-judgemental is critical to my business.
It can be very overwhelming and confusing when dealing with finance. My customers recognized my integrity through my work and being as meticulous attention to detail. I get praised by my customers for having in-depth knowledge of finance which then helps them in their personal finance. I consider myself a team player who coordinates with managers and professionals from other branches and businesses.
How We Got Started
Working as a Financial Service Representative I came across a lot of older generation that have difficulties coping with new technology.
Whether retrieving online banking or as simple as balancing accounts/checkbooks. Organizing financials or simply operating mobile banking apps to see balance, deposits, transfer funds, and send money/pay bills.
I have come across people/customers complaining that they don’t have enough time to organize their finances. Either because of their hectic and busy lifestyle or simply unable to manage their finances
for medical reasons.